Welcome to the lucky thirteenth edition of MetaNews in this format—an update on what’s been happening at MetaGame, plus some highlights from our MetaAlliance Fam and a few links to things we were reading in October.
Tbh we wanted to switch it up by now, but looks like you don’t want us to!

This has actually been tried by at least 3-4 different people, all of whom gave up.
But let’s give it another shot?
It’s kind of intentionally bad - it was a one-take with zero preparation & it went straight to youtube with no editing.
If y’all really like it & want it even if its this bad, I’ll begrudgingly continue doing these & start begging eowulia to help me make them better.
Wait, WTF is MetaGame?
👀 First time reader? Check out the video intro to MetaGame for a quick catch up 👀
Community gatherings back! 🤗
Let’s hang out! Community gatherings are on every Friday, in the MetaGame Discord.
🎯 "One of the best posts on DAOs this year IMO" - @jin
Check peth’s post on Roleocracy if you didn’t already
😱 DAOcember!!! 😱
Another DAOcember is upon us!
As you may remember from last year, DAOcember was a 2 weeks long even with all things DAOs. If you don’t remember, maybe refresh your memory.
This year, DAOcember is going to be even better!
Expect a more structured approach, expect us to cover everything related to building & growing DAOs - and expect a cohort of DAO summoners 👀👀👀
If you want to learn more, maybe read this draft about it
If you’re interested in joining as a DAO or DAO summoner
⛓ Chainlog
🤝🏽 Community

The community sector seemed kinda quiet in October, but in the background we were doing all the preps for the November gatherings.
peth and joseacabrerav took charge of welcoming new visitors to the Discord 🍻
peth booked in six crews for the upcoming calls and got us set up in Notion for the new format
joseacabrerav hosted two Bard’s Nights and helped out with community calls set up 🎸
peth championed the consolidation of forums from discourse to discord.
📱 Technology
Another big month for the UX Squad.
Props to Sero for reaching the 100 commits milestone, and to dysbulic for huge amounts of indescribable technical messing about.
The UX Squad crew—Sero, nitegeist, Dave, luxumbra—got a bunch done in October.
A sample of that UX Squad work:
Roles, Playbooks & Great Houses pages are now merged as “The Academy”, thanks to Dave & Luxumbra.
The inside of the courses has been redesigned by Dave, awaiting implementation
Landing page opening will no longer be blank, thanks to Dave & peth
Calendar widget has been redesigned & built thanks to Dave & Luxumbra
With all educational pages merged into the Academy, all community pages merged into Community & unnecessary things removed - the navigation bar went from 3 drawers & 16 items in total, to just 7 buttons.
From this:
To just this:
The calendar widget on the dashboard now looks approximately 1000% nicer, thanks to Dave & Luxumbra
The new unified signup page that’s replacing my ugly-ass 3 pages, is being wrapped up by nitegeist, thanks to Dave’s pretty new design
The animated tesselated octo made by CrisLeash & dysbulic has found its use as MetaGame’s loading, implemented by nitegeist
A long with a load of fixes:
Various UI bugs & the desktop header were fixed
Playbook completion submissions not working was fixed by Sero
The new XP leaderboard (now based on Seeds earned rather than SourceCred) has been implemented & fixed after countless hours spent by dysbulic
The bug causing NFTs to not show up on profiles was fixed by dysbulic
Alec reviewed no less than seven PRs, helping to keep the UX Squad work moving along
… and fixed up the “port data to composeDB process”—try it out next time you sign in to your MetaGame account!
🍰 Content
peth and eowulia teamed up to record a new podcast episode with Trent from the Ethereum Foundation and Protocol Guild, and have continued posting MetaFest clips on Twitter—for e.g. Hanzi F’s presentation on metamodernism
A few more MetaFest clips appeared - check out the full playlist if you haven’t
peth started on DAOcember preps and the MetaGame 2.0 vision board 👀
Another great MetaNews was written by Hhh!
🌱 Growth
Another round of Seeds were distributed by dysbulic
peth got busy with the Giveth grant, with good gainz in return (~$6k)
We made it through The Octant! Thanks to Cotabe, Sero & peth, who spent loads of time shilling MetaGame - and got us ~$13k
In aggregate, this is almost $20k, which will keep us going for almost 4 months.
These are not the only grants in pipeline & its no wonder Seeds have stabilized!
Within a month, UX/UI raid will have wrapped up, The Academy will have 3x more content & MetaGame will be ready for your trial!
⚔️ MetaAlliance
Our friends over at DAOhaus are preparing the DAOs Suck Mini Hack
Yalor presented MetaCartel & MetaCampus at The Network State conference
Global Governance Gathering has a few spots left for sponsors & participants
Bloom Network has announced the Bloomers Without Borders program
Other friends are building Smart Grants, a grants app with extra accountability
Is your token on the Decentralized Token Name Registry? If not, add it!
Open Machine and Friends of the Outside - NFTs come with a printed booklet.
We want a Chones channel on Warpcaster. Signal your support here
MetaCartel, Purple DAO, Gitcoin and Bankless will be running two consecutive Quadratic Funding rounds, 1 for content and media & 1 for public goods
Breadchain Cooperative sponsored a forum on Ethereum Localism and provided a step-by-step guide to adding liquidity to the Breadchain
MGD DAO did their final grants round 😢
MetaFactory × Raid Guild “Wen Slay” hoodie
Token Engineering Commons wrote a thread on how they’re using 1Hive’s Celeste to resolve a challenge on their vote to move to Optimism chain
DAOhaus had their Season 2 Demo Day, and you can also get a look at their plans for Season 3
Build an AI Chatbot using Ceramic’s ComposeDB
Agartha published a post on Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet
Giveth got a mention in a Forbes piece on public goods funding in crypto
dOrg published a case study on their work with NFT market place Fayre, plus more in their latest newsletter
Read the latest updates from BuidlGuidl
What’s the connection between Giveth and the Optimism chain? Find out here
Opolis shared a writeup on LLC vs sole proprietor setups
🔭 Meta™

Week in Ethereum News: October 7; October 14; October 21; October 28
This Week in DAOs + Web3: October 5; October 12; October 19
This week in Web3: October 6; October 13; October 20; October 27
Vitalik dropped a post on different types of L2s
Dr. Nick wrote another recap of the weirdest moments in crypto
A Machiavellian approach to DAO governance—Part one, on Principles, / Part two, on Design
Games Over Governance: Recentering DAOs on Coordination by 0xJustice
RnDAO shared a post on ‘Civium’ and the concept of urbanisation in the modern world
The Network State conference is actually better than expected, here’s the stream
In 2012, someone stole 50,000 bitcoin from the Silk Road, an illegal dark web marketplace
Last Week in Collapse: October 7; October 14; October 21; October 28