Seed market was the final piece of MetaGame’s core economic system, closing the gap between passive supporters & the people actively contributing to the realization of MetaGame. With the Seed market running for about a month without major price drops, MetaGame has quietly rolled into a closed beta phase.
What do you mean “closed”? 😱
What it means is that non-players are now only able to see the most basic channels - and that’s the people who already are on Discord. It also means we’ll be getting more picky around who gets to join.
MetaGame becomes invite-only.
The reason for this is twofold:
With the recent launch of the Seed market & the general heating up of the bull market, there’s an increasing number of people who are in it for the money - not our people.
Thus far, MetaGame has mostly been about building an ever larger community, but scaling communities doesn’t work like that - it only turns communities into crowds.
To get MetaGame to the next stage, we believe, requires a small number of highly committed individuals - more so than a crowd of people who “kinda like it”. We don’t need the people who say “metagame is so cool”, we need the people who say that and actually help push it forward.
We already had the 1st lurker publicly disappointed about losing his ability to read our channels on Discord, but so what. If you like what MetaGame is about & want to be a part of it - contribute.
MetaGame is not a place where you can come in and just passively consume other people’s thoughts & brainstorms - that was Web2. MetaGame is about getting actively involved in building the future. It’s a movement, not a statement - if that makes any sense?
More importantly, we’re closing it because we want to focus on making the community tighter & the connections within stronger.
We were focused outwards & now it’s time to focus inwards.
For those still unaware of who or what MetaFam is, it’s a decentralized collective that is building MetaGame. A weird sort of a global family held together by ideas & ideals rather than blood ties. Looking at it that way, it is obvious not everyone can be a member of MetaFam.
So we cap it to the infamous Dunbar’s number, to begin with.
“Dunbar's number is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships—relationships in which an individual knows who each person is and how each person relates to every other person.”
That means there are exactly 10 places left before we cap out.
Once the MetaFam culture has set in & the scaling scaffolding is ready, we’ll be accepting more people. For now, we’ll focus on curating & making the community that we have, tighter.
To be a member of MetaFam you need to be aligned with the MetaManifesto, & signal your alignment by being active in bringing about a better future. Note that this is not necessarily contributing directly to MetaGame, but more on that below.
MetaGame Friend-ships

MetaFam is about helping each other hack through paths most meaningful to us & build the future while becoming the best versions of ourselves.
They say nothing brings the people closer together than going through hardships together, but hardships are going to take a while & we want to make this about more than building.
So let’s try & build some friend-ships.
MyMeta will bring us nicer ways of finding people you want to talk to & MetaVille will bring us better ways of socializing - but both are still weeks/months away & we want some solutions immediately.
Thanks to mprime, we now have a channel specifically for finding people you want to talk to #friend-finder. Simply post the kinds of things you like talking about & maybe you’ll get invited to a virtual cup of tea & chat.
Our hope is that this channel will help build the bonds between members of MetaFam & spur the growth of meetups & group learning sessions inside MetaGame.
Go & post whatever you want to learn, teach others, or just talk & brainstorm about, then give it some time and maybe you’ll get invited to a virtual cup of tea or have a group session organized around it.
Another small way in which we want to improve is by checking-in. Playing MetaGame isn’t just building MetaGame itself. We want to hear what you are working on & how you are doing. We want you to let us know when you need help and how we could help you.
Tell us about your daily struggle in the #check-in channel.
Other than these two, we’ll try to figure out more ways of connecting with each other.
We’ll be looking into other ideas for building connections, such as more meetups, increasing activity in the leisurely channels category, soaking inspiration from this community building thread & whatever idea you might have :)
MetaGame Improvement Proposals
MetaGame was always supposed to be driven by you & your suggestions. I started it with basic assumptions on which we could build other ideas.
It’s time to formalize this process of suggesting improvements for MetaGame.
We’d really love to hear more from each of you. What sucks about MetaGame? Where is the disconnect between what we want & where we are. What should we do next?
Tell us about it in #tavern channel, this forum thread or start your own thread.
Note: Keep the solutions minimum viable before asking for feedback. Simplicity beats complexity, every time.
Re-awakening The Beast

There’s no denying MetaGame has been quiet lately. No new articles published, no community calls, only sporadic activity on Discord & barely any on the forums. I think it all stems from the lack of new posts & regular calls, which stems from my complete change of focus from MetaGame towards the Fork The World hackathon.
We’ve been progressing on the technological side; raiding on MyMeta profiles with a few new contributors, our newest member, TheLoneRonin, built the first version of MetaMaps & Hammad is busy updating us to the next major version of Sourcecred.
Leading up to MetaGame’s first birthday - August the 26th - it’s time to re-awaken the social side & kick this whole thing into a higher gear.
The Beast Requires Sacrifice
The bull run is here, we will soon be overflowing with newbies trying to wrap their heads around the concepts of Web3. We need to start building up the resources to make it easier for them to grasp & find their way forward it.
The wiki needs to be checked up & updated. I’ll be working on that this week but I invite anyone to join in on digging through it & saying what sucks, what needs to be expanded etc.
Skill Trees map enabled by Ronin’s MetaMaps is ready to get populated with knowledge. If you’re an expert in any remote skill whatsoever, get in touch.
With the design system in place, MyMeta profiles are actively being built, but could always use more contributors.
The podcast could use a little help in writing the posts & other minor things.
We need someone for keeping up with daily challenges.
We need someone to help with the bots.
If you’re serious about wanting MetaGame to be real, now is the time to step up & help push it forward even with the smallest of time commitments.
Get in touch with @petheth on Discord, Telegram on Twitter & I’ll help you get set up.
If you think MetaGame isn’t going anywhere, please go here & sell your Seeds.
I know it’s to be working on something this long-term with so many opportunities to make a quick buck all around, but maybe do it anyway? 🤷♂️
Much love,