MetaS4W1: What's new in Season4?
Sup Fam! Season 4: Winter is ON! In case you still haven’t, maybe read peth’s Season 3 Roundup & Season 4 Forecast.
Else, here’s the latest weekly META 👀
🍻 InnKeeping
This guild has been very busy thinking and discussing the direction of community support for Q4 with tommy at the forefront, whilst cleaning up further. As mentioned, the recent purge cut deep, taking the player count down to almost 80/150, leaving a good deal of space for more truly aligned and active members. 📈
Discussion is underway as to whether a new survey may be useful alongside MyMeta onboarding to discover alignment of new Octos. More Sunday Funday ideas are being brainstormed to increase the fun on the weekly schedule as well as random weekly workshops to boost the learning 🥳
The ever-present Misanth led & metamorphosed 8 out of 100ish applied Engaged Octos into Players! Welcome folks. 👋🏼
One of the things coming out of the Season Close/Launch Ceremony was the Radical Inclusion raid, an effort to grow diversity in MetaGame.🏳🌈
Since, we’ve already had a few & have booked more women to come speak at our community gatherings & share their wisdom about how to solve this problem, among other things.
Other than that, another great thing coming out of the Season Close/Launch Ceremony came through Vinay Gupta’s talk.
Vinay went into the potential of Crypto for facilitating an acts of regeneration of the environment. Offsetting carbon excesses and enacting eco positive reforms into the future was explored as a great way to make Web3 technologies be seen as a vital and unassailable force in the world, while helping to save it. Listen in to that here.
On the following Community Gathering, Joshua of Opolis talked about their purpose as a Digital Employment Co-op that provides healthcare, dental & other benefits to its members - DAO freelancers.😇 Issues caused by varying laws internationally were discussed as barriers to expansion out of US to be overcome.🤔 Interested or can maybe refer someone (get an NFT)their way? Discover more HERE.👈🏼
Rachel from MetaGammaDelta came and discussed Inclusion in DAOs.🏳🌈She discussed the whole crypto spaces masculine bias and highlighted how some language carried over from gaming could be a barrier/off-putting to women.👁🗨 The financial origins of crypto from a male dominated culture were discussed as was the importance of non-binary radical inclusion. Tune in to Designing DAOs for Diversity with Jovian next Community Gathering or join further discussions HERE.
🎥 VideoLords
b0gie did an amazing job of completing a MetaGame explainer video 😇 suitable for everyone to understand it, deployed by Fearless Thompson at prime time. 💰 If you have an idea for b0gies next Videon venture please post up in -issues-n-ideas channel on MetaGame Discord.
🎨 Artists
Following on from Vinay’s talk there is a drive to create Mattereum NFTs for selling as units of carbon offsetting. 💚 Tenfinney is primary contact for info and submissions for this. This is a great opportunity to create something beautiful, that may go a long way and do a lot of good. 😍
Unfortunately, Artists Guild has been a quiet space, where even the oiliest of paints can be found fully cured and brushes caked solid. For this reason we are seeking a Artists Champion to work with the comms and organising in there. 🙏🏼
We’re also looking for an AchievMinter Champion to get us caught up on our promises to deliver NFTs of recognition for various reasons. Great way to earn XP and spread appreciation through the space. Just DM peth. 👈🏼
📐 + 🛠 Designers and Builders
The work on Top 3 Skills, creating, viewing and editing profiles and general refining of MyMeta continues with Dave and the building team.
Some new elements of the MegaMenu are links through to MetaRadio, YouTube, Events and Becoming a Patron, designed by Dave. 🙌🏼
Michiel has continued to drive the Builders Align calls with jonathanp still scribing, both despite being extra spread out. 🤖 Minting and XP related issues have been an important focus all round. 🧲
Increased library stability at IDX has meant integration work could resume for dysbulic who is trying to work around bugs & fully integrating IDX with MyMeta in-between doing code reviews.
Istvan is working on issues relating to Next/React timezone functions on MyMeta.
Polimyl is working on setting up a cloud based ‘stage’ for hosting deployments, to assess changes changes made by every PR.
vid, Udit-takkar and LeewardB are focusing on Edit Profile issues.
ETHGlobal is taking attention of some MetaGamers who are taking part as MetaGame, working on the ‘Something Ventured’ hack. This project is to set up an IDO based on Defi and NFTs with governance as a web3 crowd funding/rainmaking project. Players involved are luxumbra, Michiel, Alec, Bagholder McFomo III and Fearless Thompson. Sounds very interesting, good luck FAM, we are rooting for you. 👏🏼
Tenfinney talked and walked us through his work with ScaffoldEth and Chakra UI elements with a vision of creating a dApp/DAO OS creator service. A versatile system. Want to see it? Maybe spend a bit more time on discord 🙃
🐛 BugHunters
Udit-takkar has been catching various glitchy bits of MyMeta, as has defileZebra for Guild Onboarding, which Alec continues perfecting.
🌉 Bridgebuilding
With various talks having been hosted with Token Engineering Commons, Opolis, MetaGammaDelta, The DAOist, Liminal Village, 40acres & Mintbase just in the past 2 weeks, we’ve definitely been making connections with some great people and projects, some of them being onboarded to MetaGame & many more to be brought to our Community Gatherings.
Other than building bridges with new projects, peth has rekindled the flame of the MetaAlliance with the first Guilders Ring set up to happen tomorrow, going through what they’ve been working on, what are their needs & offers, building an inter-guild events calendar, MyMeta, Skill Trees, resurrecting ChievMint etc. 🚢
🎯 HeadHunting
Looking onwards, a great Bridgebuilding AND Headhunting opportunity has emerged. With the event set to start on October 25th, time has come to start planning how to best make use of this opportunity. We’ll be headhunting for contributors to MetaGame as well as other Guilds of Meta, but also curating guilds to send off for grants from MetaCartel & onboard to MetaGame 👀
🖋 📚 Writing/Playbooks
chair and Gnomeski have both been getting pretty overwhelmed elsewhere and both seeking new co-facilitators. defileZebra is welcomed as the Writers Guild Innkeeper and the Playbooks raid falls under Writers Guild’ responsibilities with many more writers wanted! Other than writing MANY more Playbooks, there is a rising drive to re-vamp the Wiki & continue writing the lore. If you want to get in on any of that, join the Writers Guild.
Ideas for developing the MetaLibrary with more educational areas to explore as well as the seemingly distant ideas of MetaAcademy are getting explored.
In an effort to alleviate these needs as well as build more bridges, peth has already started the discussion with the fledgling Wordsmiths Guild 👀
📢 Shilling
A steady stream of sweet looking tweets are being issued by FearlessThompson and Anna. The news, info-bytes thumbnail graphics about the DAO, ads for Community calls and Guest appearances have been featuring. 👁🗨 Fearless has been tracking YouTube analytics and finding the best times of peak activity for publishing our videos for highest visibility. b0gie’s explainer vid was released based on this. 🎯 A new Q4 schedule is coming together as is the MyMeta/MetaOS explainers. Lets make it rain! 🌧🕺🏼
👼🏼 XP Fairies/Mint
Following peth’s announcement about how we pretty much fixed the minting schedule, the mint has again been delayed 😅. This has been largely due to holes in the workflow process during a protracted handover. Bacon and Michiel put together a pretty concise list of questions for METADREAMER, who kindly created an explainer on GitHub about SEED Minting Process and making deductions. 👨🏼🏫 This is very timely and important, particularly with penguin becoming even more busy now. 🐧 The process being openly accessible to various devs should, hopefully, see things moving forwards properly efficient and have a built-in anti-fragility now. 💪🏼
More discussion about Balancer V2 has been occurring and it is feeling more certain as an inevitability. A new era of minty independence and stability is gradually dawning!
Our economy has now seen 💲1 MILLION in swaps! Not bad for a barely-over-$1m-marketcap token 😏
Wen mint?
Check the mint sheet, let us know if you see something wrong & give us 3 more days 🙃
Open Champion Roles
🕵️♂️ Headhunters Guild
The last Headhunting Champion has left his post after wrapping up the last headhunt. Unfortunately, headhunts never stop!
We need a new Headhunters Guild Champion to continue leading efforts of infiltrating hackathons & applying other tactics for finding more of builders & other roles.
❗ Quests Champion
So far held by peth, it was one hat too many for him to juggle. The Quests Champion role is now open for anyone to take on.
The main task: highlight quests from Notion as well as source new quests needed from raid & guild champions.
🎨 Artists Guild
Focusing on code & content, we’ve neglected the artsy side of MetaGame & it shows!
Its time we had an Artists Guild Champion that will lead the efforts of creating & facilitating the creation of art in MetaGame.
🧠 Head of Brain Exchange
A brand new role appears, with the main task being scouring the #brain-exchange channel on discord & player signals in there, then organizing workshops based on what people offer or want to learn.
Besides that, get more people to write in brain-exchange & generally spend time engaging in the Elevate category of channels.
🚨 Top Priorities:
Onwards! 🐙
Coming up on the next Community Gathering:
Designing DAOs for Diversity with Jovian
Guild ???
Everything else, as usual.