The Chainlog section of MetaNews is looking light this month, but we’ve been MEGA busy, I promise! You’ll see all the results at MetaFest 👀
🌪Experimentation Zone
Here’s what we’ve been messin’ with recently!
We’ve been trying out Superfluid to set up a “Money Stream” for some of the payments to the UX Squad.
Our MetaFest Player Savings Challenge on HaloFi came to an end, with the gainz from the savings being used to cover some of luxumbra’s MetaFest travel costs. Props to Musashi13 for stewarding this one.
⛓ Chainlog
🤝🏽 Community
The main community work happening right now the setup and organisation for MetaFest, with peth and eowulia putting in infinite work to make it happen.
As well as that,
Polimyl took a break from talking to computers and put together accommodation options along the MetaFest bus trip route
joseacabrerav and vanessagil brought the music and chats for Bard’s Night
joseacabrerav and Musashi13 helped make the MetaGame Discord a friendly environment for newcomers
📱 Technology
The UX Squad has been busy, and you’ll soon see that is getting much easier to use.
Dave has done design work on the landing page, mapped out the ‘happy paths’ for Player, Patron, and Guild signups, and designed a new page that unifies Roles, Playbooks, and Great Houses
Sero and nitegeist have been turning all those designs into code, and are working through peth’s User Experience upgrades checklist
Sero found time to do code reviews for other Builders
dysbulic and Alec kept things moving with quick code reviews
dysbulic did the transactions to fund the aforementioned Superfluid account for payments
HHH coded up Dave and peth’s improved design for the Quests section
Alec kept working on the ComposeDB upgrade, and provided input on player and guild membership data
dysbulic worked with Sero on a project for gasless NFT minting, and a database structure for new XP records and calculations; helped luxumbra with an upgrade to the Typescript compiler; and kept trying to fix “the most annoying bug in MetaGame”
Udit-takkar made a return (!), picking up again on the unified site search
🍰 Content
In July we released a new episode of Frontiers of Communication, with Zakku from Coordinape on to chat about the challenges and opportunities of decentralized compensation and collaboration. Booked and interviewed by peth, published and edited by eowulia.
Check out peth’s posts on Fractal Societies and Enter the Regenaissance if you haven’t already.
And …
dysbulic worked with Crisleash on animated SVGs, and used Midjourney to make octo-themed cover art for us to use on our event flyers
🌱 Growth
peth wrote a MetaFest proposal for Gitcoin - failed very disappointingly
joseacabrerav spread the word about MetaFest throughout the metaverse, and started working on an idea to translate MetaGame content to Spanish
vanessagil worked Twitter magic (yes we are still calling it Twitter) for promo of newsletters, podcasts, and other events.
⚔️ MetaAlliance
MetaCartel has partnered with DebtDAO to fund DAO experiments with grants
Safary featured in this Cointelegraph article on Digital Marketing
Atlantis World received a grant from Optimism to build and drive onchain games on the OP chain
Meta Gamma Delta DAO begins its wind-down – read all about it courtesy of Rika’s writeup
Deep Work Studio shared some snips of a chat with Michael Feng on bounties, scaling with a smaller core team, and task delegation. And take a look at the latest Deep Work update
Meg Rivers wrote about Networked Climate Action for Bloom Network
Opolis raised 6M, congrats!
Read about the Commons Stacks website redesign and rebrand, and then go check out that new website
BuidlGuidl also has a new-look website. Read their latest updates here
Giveth has a new referral program, info on that here
Are you a holder of a Coordinape CoSoul? Find out how to join the CoSouls Guild on What’s a CoSoul? Read more about that here
Ceramic was at ETHCC 6
dOrg worked with DoinGud to launch an NFT marketplace. More dOrg updates
Raid Guild’s Season 6 cohort did their demo day
DAO orchestrator Palmera took their turn on the dOrg hot seat
Agartha wrote a post about Protopia
RnDAO is looking for contributors
Deep Work Studio is now part of Aragon’s DAO Expert program
🔭 Meta™
Week in Ethereum News: July 1, July 8, July 15, July 22, July 29
A short story about what it would be like to be superrational 💯
Tech Debt Metaphor Maximalism—using economics concepts of debt to explore the concept of technical debt in software
Use cases for Ethereum Account Abstraction—smart accounts offer use cases like wallet recovery, shared accounts, automated transactions
Gamifying Online Coordination with Peth, Summoner of MetaGame—a podcast episode that explored how MetaGame uses gamification and web3 technologies to create a more engaging and rewarding experience for its members 🐙
A deep dive on Charm Industrial and how they plan to run oil wells in reverse and turn corn into steel (and more)
Benedict Evans on Working with AI
An investor’s intro to Urbit, your personal computer in the cloud
🐙 Onwards
Sorry we didn’t have time to make 10th issue as great as others!
Hope you’ll forgive us & see you at MetaFest 🙃