MetaGame is decentralized
First of all, what does it even mean to be decentralized? 🤔
In the early days, many people were describing DAOs as democratic organizations & even still, some compare them to cooperatives.
In reality, this is far from the truth 😬
Most DAOs are decentralized only insofar as their treasury management system is running on a blockchain. Most people don’t realize there are multiple kinds of decentralization 🤷♂️
Here, we’re talking about two kinds:
Architectural decentralization
Political decentralization
Most DAOs are only architecturally decentralized; they’re running on a decentralized ledger but they’re really just on-chain plutocracies. There are only a few politically decentralized DAOs & MetaGame is one of them 🙃
Most DAOs - 1 token 1 vote
MetaGame is a democracy - 1 person 1 vote
That is not to say this is the best setup for all organizations & it definitely comes with problems! Great sybil resistance just isn’t there yet & that’s a big part of the reason MetaGame is currently capped at 300.
In fact, the only-architecturally-decentralized DAOs might even appear to be doing better, or at least for the whales 🙃
Just ranted about this a bit ago 👇

MetaGame is autonomous
I think I’m finally able to say MetaGame is decentralized AND autonomous.
What I mean by that is that MetaGame now lives on its own, there is nobody telling it what to do & it doesn’t depend on any single person to feed it. It lives through a network of brains it has infected, both carbon & silicon based 👀
A few months, I finally got the courage to leave. This was the first time I took some time off since starting MetaGame almost 2 years ago & it was the first time I wasn’t afraid it would die in my absence.
At first, I thought that’s exactly what is going on 😱 - but then I realized its summer & most of the community has either went on a vacation or is just taking it easy.
Barely into September & metagamers are in full force! ☺️
Where’d you go?!
Don’t worry, I’m not leaving MetaGame - likely, ever. The first time I took off was mainly to heal a burnout & the past 10 days I was gone to attend the Crypto Commons Gathering - I was pleased to see everything kept on rolling smoothly!
The baby walks on its own! 😁
Wait, WTF is CCG?
Maybe the best crypto gathering I’ve attended. I’ve never been on one where I felt so aligned with every person. There were absolutely 0 fake people, nobody was there just to shill their project & everyone was all about blockchain-for-good.
Most of the people were staying at the commonly ran inn where the program was held & hanging by the bonfire in the evenings, the overall vibe was cozy as fuck.
Ok, enough shilling of this thing, let’s get back to MetaGame!
What makes MetaGame autonomous?
In short: memes, processes & relationships.
At the heart of it is a meme - a meme about building the future we want to live in by creating a better socioeconomic system based on the blockchain (& a bunch of other technologies ofc). This meme is laid out in text all over the wiki & condensed in the MetaManifesto (soon to be an NFT btw).
It has infected the minds with the “what” & “why” but left the “how” open to interpretation - allowing people to find their own ways of making it real, helping shape the vision & the roadmap.
The processes that emerged over time revolved around:
Contribution tracking through Sourcecred & rewarding through minting of Seed tokens on Ethereum, on the technical side.
Communications & syncs mainly through Discord for the most active part of the community & Substack for keeping the less active informed on the social side.
MetaGame branched into different raids (projects) & internal guilds (functions) out of which leaders naturally arose - The Champions, responsible for making sure raids keep on shipping & guilds keep on improving.
The board you might’ve seen:

The Champions keep their raids & guilds active by organizing sync calls, sprints & cutting things up into quests.
The Champions are in turn kept in check by the Champions Ring but also by the personal relationships they’ve built with the community.
You’re more likely to fulfill your duty if you care about the people; don’t want to be seen as the one who talks but does not do
The key part is that it doesn’t really feel like work. Everyone picks what they want to work on & people randomly hang out in voice channels, sometimes streaming the work they’re doing for entertainment or doing pair-programming.
Note that the “Champions Ring” is not “the core team”.
There is no such a thing as the core team in MetaGame - all players are compensated in the same way & the Champions Ring is simply an accountability circle for the people with the most responsibilities.
You get inside either by being the most enthusiastic about a certain part of MetaGame that nobody is “in charge of” yet - or challenging an existing champion 👀
There’s nothing fancy about being a champion, its just more responsibilities.
But if that sounds fun to you…
🚨 Open Champion Positions! 🚨
🕵️♂️ Headhunters Guild
Probably the most important thing you can start championing, its about leading raids to hackathons & other places for player recruitment.
❗ Quests Deputy
Someone to help across raids & guilds by writing up & posting quests.
✨ Valuefeed
A very valuable raid that nobody started working on yet; a feed of XP generating events based on Sourcecred.
😇 Elevate
Someone to live in the elevate section of discord & make sure people are learning by organizing workshops & buddy systems based on people’s interests.
Any of these sound fun to you? Just ask about them &/or start doing! 🙃
MetaGame META 👀
📐 Designers +🛠️ Builders
As MyMeta develops we can see ever more its great potential for the whole DAOspace. MyMeta can interweave MetaGame into the metaverse increasingly, bringing trades of dApps and functionalities with other DAOs, thereby building bridges & uplifting Web3 in general - peth just got back from shilling it on Panvala’s monthly call with great feedback 😇
MyMeta work has been underway. Dave is finalizing first designs and outlining final parts of the User Panels. These ‘user panels’ are called this, as they open to information that is user specific, via the nav buttons pictured below !
XP and Seed display types (Seed or pSeeds) are being decided before that functionality gets completed. 🌱 The Edit Profile UI/process for MyMeta, accessed by the Player Tab, is becoming more developed. New and old builders are getting more involved and Alec has taken on Role Selection for Discord via MyMeta.
DeBilder has taken on MegaMenu project while Blake is away, working through current PR & getting it merged before going forward. It’s been merged by now & you can check it out here.
Michiel has also been busy with onboarding and getting new builders started and running meetings.
Alec gets the Guild Onboarding UI that syncs and displays guild profiles & players based on server roles - merged & ready for testing.
dysbulic has been focusing on IDX integration with Huxwell and Michiel. A UI build has been started as an additional layer for interacting with and enhancing IDX profiles by this same trio. As MyMeta and IDX profile improvements develop, a more streamlined and robust Onboarding process will be enabled. 🦾
New builders are generally getting used to the codebase, viewing open PRs and issues and generally getting acclimatised, they are Istvan, LeewardB, Nitegeist, Beyondr, fuser & DeBilder. 🤖🤖🤖🤖
🎙️ MetaRadio
Karmatic wrote up & Eowulia edited & published another great podcast where peth chewed the fat with LuukDAO. This is truly inspiring and NOT TO BE MISSED! 🤯
LuukDAO, who currently works as part of PrimeDAO, Collectivo, DAOist and even sometimes at a Stock exchange in the Netherlands, is a potent mix of businessman and philosopher. Coming from a desire for more fairness in the world, Luuk explores how his interests crystallised into a love of DAOs as vehicles to implement positive change! Some juicy morsels in here are: 😋
Real world, grass roots regenerative tokenomics and their Pros and Cons, as implemented on the Caribbean Island of Curacao.
Why PrimeDAO? Answers are explored by LuukDAO in terms of the essential DeFi infrastructure for DAOs, both individually and as a connected ecosystem.
And incidentally, how to be awesome and modest all at the same time! Thank you LuukDAO. 😇
🍻 Innkeepers
tommy has led calls and is working with Rankko on an overhaul of the Innkeeping documents and is focusing on loose ends of Onboarding and Metarrhizal raids. 🧹
Champion reporting of levels of engagement for ‘Engaged Octos’ is planned to become a periodic practise. With help from defileZebra, periodic reports from Champions - during Ring Calls, will be sought, about activity levels of Engaged Octos in each guild. This will help streamline Necromancer work and keep our numbers productive.
🎨 Artists
Check out these bling MCON, Cryptovoxel avatar wearable shoes, made by Musashi13. Other angles show the Denver skyline and the soles even say MCON on them! Can you create NFTs for Metagame at MCON at ultra short notice and lightning speed? If YES then quickly go to Artists Guild Channel here! ⚡
Metafam Art assets has its own repo on GitHub, set up by dysbulic. This means curating Art assets earns XP. This incentive is there to encourage the community to curate, so we can collect and store all our valuable art assets safely and accessibly. 🖼️
🕵️♂️ Headhunting + 📣 Shilling
penguin was his usual proactive self and put up the sponsorship funds for timely support of MCON Denver. Feels good to support the wider Fam.. 💪 💖
Really looking forward to NFTs from biuxmaster and b0gie for this. No doubt this will be a great event. 👀
Penguin, Chair, Bacon, Apeiron & Kyle are just some of the active players that will be there, but, being a MetaCon - you’ll also be able to encounter many of our patrons.
The most important (and easy) thing you can do right now to raise us all up together, is to jump on the F4F (follow for follow) Twitter elevator! Simply follow the steps below.
Then just sign up to this list here. Now pat yourself on the back. ✔️
A shilling schedule for weekly tweets and the like is being created at the moment as per the structure suggested in our Discord by Anna Kaic. Assets are being built out for this by Fearless Thompson. Wanna be involved? Contact either of them. 📢
💸 Treasury
Michiel was added to the multi-sig so far as 3/7 signatories was considered a less secure option. 3/6 has been elected as the multi-sig model to increase availability of signatories at shorter notice, for the minting process in particular. 💰
Doing Good raid for donating to philanthropic & ecological initiatives has been rebooted by ApeironCreations - moar next week.