First things first, we need your DAI 🤑
MetaGame founders have posted the following grant in the Gitcoin CLR matching round 4 for the continued development of the platform.
Our goal is to maximize our multiplier by getting as many individuals to contribute to our campaign as possible. It’s not about how much you give, it’s that you give. Because every DAI = x47 DAI of matching funds at the current rate.
And as the amount of humans who contribute goes up, so does the multiplier ! At the time of writing matching funds available for this grant are astonishing:

Up next join us for the upcoming web-connect
We’ll be discussing the following:
Progress update of development from the design sprint.
How to amplify the grant campaign donations.
MetaRadio launching at ETHDenver.
The meeting time is 6PM UTC, 7PM CET, 1PM EST on Friday the 10th, 2020 👾
Thanks to all of you who have contributed already, and to the rest of you who are looking for a sure fire way to become a Funding Father/Mother this is your chance.

Join us, we don’t bite…..hard 🦈
🗣 We talk on Discord
🐙 We commit on GitHub
🤑 We get money on Gitcoin