As you may already know:
Raising ~1400$ in contributions & ~7500$ in matching funds; MetaGame was one of the top funded projects of the last Gitcoin funding round.
If you're wondering what have we done since the last round; we launched the website, the first version of MetaGame, organized a virtual conference & onboarded a bunch of people 🙃
You may read more about all of that in the "6 Months of MetaGame".- Is that all you did with all of that money???
No, not really. In fact, we only spent ~500$ so far 😁
We actually only received the last round funds a few days ago, so…
However; Yalor and I combined spent upwards of 40 hours shilling the gitcoin grant & engaging with people 1on1. The community has grown significantly since, and we want to experiment with doing this campaign differently 🤓

So far, a total of 80 people spent an hour of their time learning about or helping MetaGame.
Of those 80, top 20 (excluding top 4) on average spent 4+ hours of their time on MetaGame.
If they (you) are motivated enough, they’ll either donate or complete these shilling quests & get MetaGame high up the Gitcoin ladder again.
The community has now grown big & incentivized enough to get MetaGame among the most funded projects without Yalor & I begging people from DM to DM.
You: Aren’t you biasing the study by posting this?
Me: Not really, part of the experiment is figuring out am I good at motivating you 🙃

You: Ok, ok, I’ll help!
Me: 😍 Perfect! You may:
Proceed to the grant page, and just put in a few.
Proceed to the Colony, and check out these shilling quests.
You’ll notice the final shilling quest claims reward is variable, but only gives 1 XP. You’ll need to drop by Discord and ask for more. Also feel free to just do your own thing if these quests seem to rigid. You’ll still be rewarded with XP if successful ;)