How many times have you heard:
“Crypto is only good for speculation!”
“Crypto is useless!”
Let‘s show them wrong once and for all!
For whatever reason, looks like this email never went out.
We have since made a shitload of progress, more in the next post!
At this point, I‘ve been here for 8 years and I‘ve had dozens of people tell me a variation of this claim.
The issue is, with all of the attention on memecoins & the dystopia while Ethereum ecosystem over-focuses on infra - I have started worrying they‘re right!
Then I decided to make a list of everything cool that‘s going on, and go out into the world to find even more. Great applications are being built, they just don‘t receive nearly as much attention.
Average crypto noob only sees the noise - no exposure to the excitement & awesome things we hear about at conferences, or when following niche projects or builders.
What & Why
We will produce a 20min documentary going through things that have been built so far, and things that are just coming up in near future as well as further out ideas.
The goal is to: show the world that there are genuinely useful things being built in crypto, as well as to help reignite passion in the crypto natives who lost hope.
To show the other side of the coin - what crypto is good for besides speculation.
To create something you can send to all the critics as well as your friends and family as they inevitably start asking you about crypto again.
We will attend a bunch of events across Chiang Mai & Bangkok to interview some of the smartest builders in the space about what they‘re building, what their favorite dApps are and what kind of crypto applications they hope to see in the future.
We will conduct dozens of interviews & capture hours of footage, which we will later distill into a 15 minute documentary about applications & usecases.
The script
2008 crash & the bitcoin whitepaper
Enter Ethereum - DeFi, NFTs, DAOs etc.
Hindrances so far, bad UX, scaling & account abstraction
Stablecoins killing Visa, Mastercard & wire transfers
Capital formation, global liquidity & credit markets
All flavors of capital allocation
Bootstrapping niche economies & DAOs
Decentralized Physical Infrastructure
Real World Assets
Regenerative Finance
AI Intersections
Onchain Economies & Network Societies
Consider Supporting?
Thank you for reading!
If you‘re interested in supporting production, you can squeeze a few droplets of eth into 👉 our Juicebox! 👈
The editing should be finished in a few months - but we won‘t release it until we reach the full $26k 🤪
Luckily, thanks to amazing donors like Yalor, Griff, Phil H, Zeugh, Sky, Dan13 & a few others ❤️❤️❤️ - we‘re already at $4.9k!
>Hasn‘t even worked out yet what the NFT minters will get, besides the shoutout, being listed in credits & gaining access to the token gated telegram group.
Why $26k? That‘s roughly how much we need to cover travel, food & lodging expenses for 3 people + 3 months runway for minimal budget editor.
Also as a meme - the “Vitalik: An Ethereum Story” documentary raised $2.6m from the community alone (+ a bunch more from the EF & other sources)
We‘ll produce this documentary for 1% of the cost, while making it completely different & focused on covering usecases specifically.
Miiight get sponsors if necessary
Hopefully won‘t need sponsorships - but we‘re open to hearing offers from aligned projects who want to support with more than $5k, to put their name on:
1x20min documentary
10ish long form interviews
30ish promo shorts
DM on telegram or twitter @petheth
Either way 👉 consider squeezing a few droplets of eth in here! 👈
Much love ❤️,