#124 - If you haven't read an MG newsletter in a long time, this is the one to read!
MetaGame 1.0 Launch t-90min. This issue is all about the launch of 1.0 & why you shouldn’t sleep on MetaGame. Will also briefly go through what is MetaOS & its current features as well as what happens next & all the ways to get involved. 👀
On being hyped as fuck
As mentioned in the previous issue without going deeper..
I haven’t been this hyped about MetaGame since I first started it, for a few reasons! Besides the obvious one - the 1.0 launch - stepping away for a few weeks, getting a better perspective & talking to people IRL helped like, a lot.
Starting from Burning Man, where the neighboring camp founder who was leading a session on Metamodernism & Game B - turned out to have known about MetaGame, been an avid fan of the podcast & overall, seemed kind of excited to meet me 🤨
That’s pretty new to me.
But MCON is where the real magic happened.
Felt like almost every person I met had already at least heard about MetaGame.
There were people being like “Oh shit! You’re peth from MetaGame?!”
There were a few people who walked up to me to ask me that
There was a person asking for a photo with me
Even heard random mentions of MetaGame while passing through the crowd
People expressing their appreciation for the value we’ve been creating, telling me MetaGame is not getting the attention it deserves, how it was ahead of its time etc.
What hyped me up the most:
A bunch of people telling me they got started in the DAO space through MetaGame, got their first NFT in MetaGame & similar things.
Again, besides the obvious - the 1.0 launch - more in a bit 👇👀
Tl;dr, it wasn’t an overstatement when I said I haven’t been this hyped about MetaGame & the future of MetaGame basically since I first started it 🤷♂️
Wait, WTF is MetaGame?
Hey, welcome new subscribers! There’s quite a few of you, thank you! 🙏
For the fresh; MetaGame is a massive online coordination game with the goal of building an interface for new kinds of socioeconomic systems & finding the most optimal ways to play life on a personal as well as the collective level.
That’s a mouthful, I know. Just consider it a real-life MMO-RPG & know we’re currently building an operating system for composable communities, a modular front-end for web3 legos as well as producing educational & other media, organizing events & well, who knows what all the other guilds of MetaGame are doing.
Wow, there’s really no simple way of putting it; MetaGame is weird as shit.
But its fun 🤷♂️
Cya in there?
So what’s all the fuss about?
We’re about to ship MetaGame 1.0. It should help people finally understand, join & work in MetaGame or proceed to the rest of the ecosystem in an easy & fun way.
The 2 missing pieces - The Onboarding Game & Quest Chains - have been integrated & tested over the past few weeks, along with a shitload of other smaller & more significant changes, revamp of the wiki, discord etc.
Why this is big & how it makes MetaGame 1.0:
These critical 2 missing pieces finally complete MetaGame’s onboarding & contribution flow as well as make the platform “fully” functional.
Up until like yesterday, you had to:
Scroll down the landing page
Create a MyMeta profile
Get a bunch of links; go to the dashboard, discord etc.
Do the whole onboarding through discord & notion
Join MetaGame like
Be like “meh” & leave
Scroll down the landing page
Click “join” & go through a fun text-based choose-your-own-adventure game that introduces you to the basics of web3 &/or helps you find your way, based on how much you know, what do you need etc; helps you understand what MetaGame is about & all.
Create a MyMeta profile, which look pretty damn sweet btw with Dan’s facelift & custom backgrounds
Go through 8 quests which help you further understand MetaGame & how it works, help you get plugged in & stay in the loop (except this time through a sleek UI by Dave & Vid rather than Notion). Will tell you more about Quest Chains
Continue down role-specific paths, join a raid or strike out on a quest, all through our sleek (for the most part) UI; again, rather than Notion 😅
Explore the wiki, which was embarrasingly out of date, now all cleaned up & making MetaGame further understandable by yours truly
Enjoy your profile & the dashboard become more useful as people build more custom modules, also now enabled by Dan, with documentation to follow soon™️
Get XP & Seeds without having to write in #didathing thanks to Alec
Maybe even get cool achievement NFTs thanks to dysbulic & tenfinney
Get it? Its like.. This whole thing now!
In fact;
we encourage any fellow DAOists to fork & deploy it for their own community.
The main problem we were trying to solve for ourselves is using too many different tools/platforms/protocols across too many different interfaces; it was easy to get lost in a fractured experience & hard to get an overview.
Seems to be a problem both at the DAO as well as the ecosystem level. 🤷♂️
MetaOS is meant to be this modular framework/operating system for composable communities/societies that should usher in an age of the human-centric web.
In Phase II.. Don’t even get me started on MetaOS in Phase II!
More on all of that later, for now, check the full list of features 👇
For anyone interested in running their own coordination games using MetaOS, the full list of features they can now fork:
MetaSys - a contribution accounting & rewarding system
The Onboarding Game - a text-based choose-your-own adventure game
Quest Chains - used for onboarding & learning paths
Dashboard - have an overview of whats going on
Community news & content
Token stats
XP stats
Option to build custom integrations & micro apps aka “blocks”
MetaMenu - for navigating outside the dashboard
MyMeta - decentralized profiles for DAOists
Time availability
Personality type
DAO memberships
Custom backgrounds
Option to build more custom integrations & micro apps
Quests - our internal bounties system, tied to the XP system
Chievmints - for minting achievement NFTs
Player leaderboard - for work contributions
Includes filtering options for finding players you need
Patron leaderboard - for financial contributions
Guild pages - project profiles based on DAOhaus DAOs & discord server
Yep, we did all of that + wrote a shitton of posts, produced a load of podcast episodes, organized countless meetups & a few conferences.
Yep, for <$1/4m in total.
Seed market cap is currently <$1/4m 👀
What’s next for MetaGame
With 1.0 out, there are a few things I want to focus on…
Let’s get out the obvious:
Push out more educational content & onboarding paths; shill MetaGame to onboard more people into the DAO space
Onboard a bunch more DAOs into MetaGame & go hard on MetaOS integrations both in terms of integrating more “custom blocks” into the dashboard & MyMeta as well as deploying MetaOS for other DAOs
Less obvious:
Restructure & relaunch the DAO
Finalize the long term tokenomics
Get proper funding & get people working full time
Organize MetaFest IRL 👀
Enjoy MetaFest IRL
Smoothly transition into Phase II 😶
What do you mean Phase II?
Yeah, MetaGame is still in Phase I - The Seed Phase.
The Seed Phase revolves around building “an onboarding machine” & a “decentralized factory” for the DAO space.
When we reach Phase II, MetaGame shall be:
A flow for onboarding people to/through MetaGame & into the DAO/Web3 space.
A hub for people interested in decentralized organizations & applications
A place where anyone interested in building a project or providing a service in the DAO ecosystem can find their place, coordinate with others & thrive.
So far so good! 1.0 marks the completion of the onboarding flow & we already got a decent amount of learning resources as well as projects to explore. We’ve built up a decent sized community & network as well as the subscription list.
The transition to Phase II is set to happen at MetaFest IRL. 👀
ETA ~ 6-8 months.
👑 Become a founder!
As MetaGame is still in Phase I for the next ~8 months, there is still time for you to become a founder or a founding funder OG Patron of MetaGame &/or climb up the ranked leagues to achieve legendary status, unlock legendary achievements & perks etc.
Interested in becoming a founding funder?
That one is fairly straightforward. Just scroll down through here 👈🙃
Interested in becoming a founder?
Sure! You could even be both!
Here’s what’s up 👇
⚔️ Raids
👽 MyMeta Profiles
MyMeta Profiles are decentralized profiles built on Ceramic. Think interoperable LinkedIn profiles for DAOists. They are meant to be modular-as-fuck-identity-aggregators.
Ways to help:
Know someone who needs a cool looking profile or a members directory for their DAO? Check them out here & let us know.
Want to integrate more identity solutions into MyMeta? More reputation protocols, data points or other custom blocks?
📱 MetaOS
MetaOS is an operating system for interoperable communities, decentralized societies & coordination games. A mosaic of web3 building blocks put together into a coherent platform.
Ways to help:
Always need builders. Know someone good with TypeScript? You? DM peth.
Want to integrate some critical piece of DAO tool stacks? A bounties system or a social or data feed? Any other custom block into the dashboard?
🤝 The Onboarding Game
The Onboarding Game is a text based choose-your-own-adventure game used for helping people understand Web3 & join the space &/or MetaGame.
Ways to help:
The Onboarding Game mainly needs people to use it, give more feedback & suggest more branches or endings.
Interested in writing more branches yourself? Also more than welcome. DM peth.
🌉 Buildin’ Bridges & Integrations
Making connections with other DAOs, onboarding them into MetaGame, helping them & integrating their tools into MetaOS or services into MetaGame.
Ways to help:
Know any cool DAO that may want to join this cool network? Suggest them in the #bridgebuilders-guild or maybe even build the bridge yourself.
Know any cool web3 building block or tool that could be integrated into MyMeta, MetaOS, the dashboard or the megamenu? Let us know.
🗞️ Realizing MetaGame
Realizing MetaGame is MetaGame’s first publication, a newsletter. Used to funnel in, educate & share news about MetaGame & the MetaAlliance as well as the wider Web3 & even the wider world in the Meta section.
Ways to help:
Biggest help would be finding or suggesting a sponsor tbh. The newsletter has been growing decently & is ready to become self-sustainable.
Interested in writing or submitting one of your posts to the newsletter? More than welcome!
Interested in recording short 5 min clips of reading & commentary on the newsletter? Would be dope, just sayin’.
📻 MetaRadio
MetaRadio is metaGame’s podcast network, comprised of 4 different podcasts. Listen to it here.
Ways to help:
Now grown to a decent amount of listens, the main way you could help MetaRadio is by suggesting or finding an aligned sponsor.
Other ways include suggesting or bringing new guests or even recording your own podcast series if you’re so inclined.
🏠 Great Houses & Playbooks 📚
Great Houses are about curating resources about different fields of interests & Playbooks are how-to guides for becoming great.
Ways to help:
Great Houses are always open for more links. Its also always possible to build your own house - in fact, House of Wellbeing is half written & waiting for somebody to publish it. Other ones could be House of Coordination.
Interested in writing a new playbook to help newcomers join the web3 space or learn any useful new skill? You’re more than welcome to write one.
Who Playbooks need the most is, in fact, someone to resurrect them & become their new champion 👀. If you’re new, this could make you one of the founders.
In fact, joining any of the above & contributing could make you one of the founders. Founders of MetaGame & the leaderboard will only be finalized in Q3 2023 - plenty of time to rise up the ranked leagues 👀
Or you could just, you know, water some Seeds & become one of the founding funders aka patrons https://metagame.wtf/seeds 🤷♂️
❗ Quests
No more Notion! These quests are going through our own questing system & you don’t even have to post anything in 😇-did-a-thing - rewarded automagically 😱
UI is not quite there yet but why not give it a go, then drop us some feedback 🤷♂️
🤏 Minimal Viable Activation
Unsure about what to do? It might be best to simply jump down the rabbit hole through the main landing page & take in the whole experience.
It will guide you both through understanding MetaGame as well as how to play it.
Too busy to do that or any of the above?
Simplest ways to help:
Become a patron or up your stake in the Seed farm 🤷♂️
Share this post with frens &/or tweet it
And if you’re at Devcon, check this
If you got purged for being inactive, know you’re probably still among The 300 of MetaGame according to the leaderboard; it probably won’t take much to get active again to retain & lock your founder status once we transition to Phase II 😉
Moment of truth! 👀
We’ve been hard at work for close to nothing. I’ve been working full time for $500/month & I’m one of the most well paid people in MetaGame 😂
We stayed committed for 3 years, in this space where cool new projects pop-up daily, opportunities for making money are plentiful & people are getting more in airdrops than working for MetaGame 🤣
Ridiculous, eh?
But really, it isn’t. 🤷♂️ We’re doing something we believe needs to be done & we’re gonna do it no matter what.
As mentioned above, though, we’ll be starting another fundraise after the launch so we can start paying people properly & have them working full time.
If you’ve been a fan of MetaGame for a long time, now is the time to show it. It would really mean a lot to us if you signaled your support in any way whatsoever.
You can do any of the above
You can tweet something about MetaGame to help bring more people in on 1.0
You could add 🐙 to your name & MetaGame to your bio
Or you could simply give us a word of encouragement or two & tell us why you appreciate us or how has MetaGame helped you 🤷♂️
Now that 1.0 is out, we need to octofy; spread our tentacles further throughout the ecosystem, onboard more players, patrons & guilds into MetaGame etc.
👉 Sponsored Message? 👀
As mentioned already, this newsletter is meant to become self-sustainable! 🙃
As a part of the Path to Sustainability effort by yours truly, this newsletter is growing up & becoming self-sustainable.
If you feel aligned with what we’re doing, consider using this opportunity to get your product or service in front of more people & help MetaGame at the same time 😱
Contact @petheth on discord, telegram or twitter.
⌛ Meanwhile!
We want to push forward with making some of the pieces of MetaGame self-sustainable & eventually turn into their own DAOs.
So! This nice newsletter with thousands of subscribers as well as our podcast are looking for sponsors. 👀
If you know any established DAO, ReFi or other general-Web3-but-aligned project looking to get their word out to more people - pls get in touch with me on telegram or twitter @petheth or ask about it in ⁉-ask-anything.
No? Don’t know anyone?
Know any good grant program or investment DAO? No?
Maybe you should at least go ahead & buy some cheap Seeds? 🙃
⛓ Chainlog
🤝🏽 Community
peth, eowulia, Alec, Musashi, bacon, Kyle, penguin, ApeironCreations, TBURD & vict0r, along with long time patrons like Ven, Dekan, James & a bunch of others all met up & hung out at MCON - making it one of the biggest if not the biggest MG IRL gathering yet.
Besides hanging out with people they already knew, peth & eowulia spent most of the week prospecting potential new guilds & patrons to onboard 👀
joseacabrerav kept the Bard’s Night streak going 🎤 The revitalised Bard’s Night is hosted on the MetaGame Discord server, every Thursday at 3pm EST—join in for live broadcasts, music, and chat.
Props to promo maven Anna for gaining enough XP to reach GOLD STATUS 🥇
🎱 peth hosted the 8th Seasoning, going over Season 7, the plans for Season 8, and the upcoming launch of MetaGame 1.0. Finalized the 1.0 checklist & migrated the tasks to Dework to further incentivize them.
Anna organized a twitter space about DAO onboarding with Lonis of Dework, Humberto of Urbanika & peth of MetaGame to promote the 1.0 launch.
Anna also got in touch with Penguin, Luxumbra, peth & others to come give a brief talk about MetaGame, their domain & involvement on the 1.0 Launch Party.
peth did a major discord channels purge. Archived 85 out of almost 150 channels, leaving only 63. Also rearranged some categories for better flow.
Misanth updated & prepared Discord & Notion for the new onboarding flow that now goes mostly through the website rather than Discord & Notion. 👀
Thanks in no small part to 1.0 launch, the community reactivation is in full swing.
📱 Technology
It’s been a big fortnight for the MetaGame Builders Guild, with a lot of complicated computer stuff going on 😅
What do you mean “you don’t use MetaMask”?
luxumbra’s work on the Onboarding game (now with WalletConnect!) continued with assists and reviews from Alec, peth, dan13ram and dysbulic.
As a side-effect, MetaOS now has this pretty new login screen & Alec did his own run on the Onboarding Game, fixing bugs & refactoring some of the code.
The Onboarding Game is now live on the website, go check it out & grab an NFT!
dan13ram has made the Dashboard more modular to prepare for “custom blocks”, made the saving of the template persist, changed the default layout & freshened up the overall design.
dan13ram also did similar for MyMeta - refreshed the design to make it look cleaner & aligned with the dashboard & implemented custom backgrounds 😱
vid, Dave, and dan13ram teamed up to implement a revamped design for reviewing Quest Chains quests.
vid worked with peth to get the onboarding quests written for us by PageDAO.
Together with dan13ram & Dave, they proceeded with putting up the rest of the onboarding paths into Quest Chains and integrating Quest Chains into MetaGame along with a new design & a path selection screen 🔥
We are only able to describe what Polimyl and dysbulic have been doing as ‘mysterious computer stuff’ and ‘providing esoteric insights’.
Alec’s code reviews and merges keeps the MetaGame website up to date with the fresh new features worked on by the Builders. Special props to Alec and dan13ram for bug-fixin’ a login issue.
Alec made the patrons leaderboard display $ value of their pSeeds so we can make ranked league requirements more legible & allow our new builder 0xMaker to pull this data into the brand new patrons conversion page he’s building 👀
Enabled by new functionality implemented by dan13ram mentioned above, further functionality was added to the dashboard & profiles - adding custom blocks that lead to a quest about building custom blocks.
Thanks to dysbulic, Quests are now fully functional with their formatting fixed, design aligned, more of them loading by default etc.
Also thanks to dysbulic, guild profile formatting & design has been updated.
Quests are now appearing on the dashboard, both for the applicants as well as quest makers, making it a lot easier to stay up to date.
A Raids page also exists now inside MetaOS, along with an updated Navigation Board & additional info about the raids written below, thanks to Hhh.
🍰 Content
eowulia did a 1.5-month mega-session to cut, edit, and upload more than 100 of the sessions recorded at MetaFest2. Start making your way through the playlist.
peth went on a Twitter space with Grace Rachmany’ of Priceless DAO & cameron of Kong to talk Metaverse & Real World.
peth also added 8 missing guild pages as well as more info & links to the existing.
Then, peth went on the Greenpill podcast to talk MetaGame 1.0 with Owocki.
Hhh built the new Guilds signup page & 0xMaker built the Patrons conversion page, both designed by fiyin - making it easier to understand the value prop.
With occasional help from builders, Dave & Alec, peth migrated the Engaed Octo as well as a few other paths into Quest Chains - completing the onboarding flow.
peth also made sure the full overhaul of the wiki happens. Luxumbra jumped on it, removed the navigation bar & set redirect for the old landing page, making it better fit inside MetaOS. New intro post was written & all other posts were updated including Great Houses, by experts of their domains.
🌱 Growth
Newsletter subscriptions grew to 8k; up another 500 since the last issue
A proposal for additional funding for the 1.0 launch passed & so did a proposal to use Coordinape & Dework next. New comp. structure proposal coming next.
MetaGame Croatia, a non-profit, was submitted for registration in Croatia by eowulia - to be used for organizing MetaFest IRL next summer & more 👀
Probably nothing
⚔️ MetaAlliance
Andrej of Deep Work Studio went on The Clique Podcast to discuss details of designing and running a design collective, plus more.
Panvala worked with Generous Abundance Fund on a new set of collectible Panvala Stamps—find out more.
See a quick video about how independent workers are using Opolis for benefits while remaining an independent worker, and get the Opolis elevator pitch in this tweet thread.
Giveth introduces GIVpower.
Atlantis World’s first Monthly Product Update is out—read it on their Substack.
Safary have made a secret list of companies building web3 growth tools – check their tweet to see how you can get a look.
MetaFactory’s McMeta tee. I’m … lovin’ it? Also watch an 8min interview with the MetaFactory crew at MCON.
Pericarus from Project Ark spoke at the Green Blockchain Summit II.
Catch up on dOrg’s island adventures, amongst other things. And dOrg swag? Get it here.
Support BuidlGuidl by buying one of their NFTs.
Raid Guild put a wrap on their Season V cohort – catch up with the news.
Replay MetaGammaDeltaDao’s session on unlocking the potential of your DAO.
🐙 Onwards!
Yep, MetaGame 1.0 is about to launch!
Quick, jump on discord!
In other news - if you’re still holding mainnet pSeeds, please remove your liquidity from the deprecated pool (which no longer makes you a patron)
Or get in touch with @peth to exchange directly for polygon pSeeds if you dont want to go through the hassle of migration. 🙃
If you’re not holding any pSeeds whatsoever, well god damn. Get some pSeeds by watering Seeds.
Much love ❤️,
Hhh & peth